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 Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang

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PostSubject: Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 10:00 pm

Hi there,

I'm new to this forum, but have been interested in the weirdness of NK for a long time.

Can someone please tell me if there is a stream of the English language broadcasts of VOK? It seems like there are some recordings, but they're all quite old now.

I understand it's available on Thaicom satellite, so does someone out there have a nice rigging that can receive a nice clean digital broadcast and redistribute by streaming?

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Dear Leader
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PostSubject: Re: Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 5:41 pm

You're right, there is no streaming of the VOK online.

I googled, there's some recordings here: (edit: toudou - recording links expired)

Search with quotes "voice of korea" on youtube, and you can find quite a few recorded excerpts there.

Or you could ask these chaps to set some VOK streaming up -

Maybe someone with tech know-how will see this and be motivated to figure out a way to take the satellite feed and stream it online. Anyone??
Share the links here if anybody finds something.

Last edited by Dear Leader on Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Empty
PostSubject: Streamng Voice of korea radio from Pyongyang   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeWed Mar 30, 2011 5:46 am


I'm new here. I also wish someone could put the Voice of Korea up on the Internet. I listen to VoK every night on short-wave radio, but have to put up with less-than-good reception, at times. It would be good if someone could take one of the short-wave broadcasts, and put them up upon the Internet.
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PostSubject: Re: Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 11:53 am

I am also new to the forum and as the forum member from above suggested, it would be very nice if someone could put the Voice of Korea up on a website and share the link with the rest of us. Thanks!
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Dear Leader
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PostSubject: Re: Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2013 1:30 am

This site talks about Voice Of Korea
and has the VOK website address:
(the site wanted to use their media player, which my security software said was "unsafe". I didn't try further.)
Other than that, no streaming Voice Of Korea is on the internet yet as far as I can find, but I have found a few other links,
including an apparent  LIVE STREAM from KCTV (North Korea TV)
- - -
Elufa:  Has TV recordings from North Korea TV. Click around.
This link  from the site is an apparent LIVE STREAM  from North Korea Central Television - KCTV, although Elufa has advertisements occasionaly. ("premium members never see ads" )Rolling Eyes
It is an imbed from Ustream:
( If it is a live stream, you will see LIVE in the lower right of the  player .)

 KCTV weekday broadcast schedule is about 0800-1430GMT = 3:00am-9:30am eastern time USA
Weekend schedule 0000-1500GMT = Sat-Sun 7:00pm-10:00am eastern USA

- - -
Unification Broadcasting out of South Korea(SPTV) was streaming KCTV - Korean Central Television (North Korean TV).
But as of this writing they are not live streaming.
SPTV does post the latest KCTV broadcasts, and they archive past recordings from KCTV.
Main website:
Note: Website is in Korean. A scroll list on the right has KCTV tv clips.
Here is a KCTV recordings list:
click on one of those clips and many past recordings can be found by date from scroll list on the player page.
- - - - - - - -
North Korea KCTV live stream
For most of the day — when the stream is available — it relays standard color bars but these switch to the KCTV testcard at around 16:30 Pyongyang time.
You can currently find the feed here: Try clicking on it, but it’s best and easiest viewed in VLC Media Player. Choose “Open network stream,” paste that address in and it should appear if available.
(KCTV weekday broadcast schedule is about 0800-1430GMT = 3:00am-9:30am eastern time USA
Weekend schedule 0000-1500GMT = Sat-Sun 7:00pm-10:00am eastern USA)
Yet another link to the KCTV live stream(direct):  
Via  ( many kctv video clips)
Live stream page
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
In addition, many thousands of recordings from KCTV can be found from these YouTube channels:
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Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Empty
PostSubject: Hmm   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2015 11:51 pm

I get VOK very well here in new york. Almost a perfect signal. Perhaps I could upload daily recordings?
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PostSubject: Re: Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2015 5:01 pm

I get VOK very well here in new york. Almost a perfect signal. Perhaps I could upload daily recordings?
Sure, why not? Post the links here. thumbup
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PostSubject: Ok   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2015 8:02 pm

Sure will do
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~Z DPRK Study Group
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PostSubject: Re: Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2016 3:52 am

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Dear Leader
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PostSubject: Re: Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 5:31 am

Odd that a live stream of VOK has not been available somewhere on the internet, I have looked and cannot find one. You would think that someone could do it...
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~Z DPRK Study Group
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PostSubject: Re: Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 11:16 am

Dear Leader wrote:
Odd that a live stream of VOK has not been available somewhere on the internet, I have looked and cannot find one.  You would think that someone could do it...
Look at the comment literally right above yours.
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Dear Leader
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PostSubject: Re: Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang   Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang Icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 6:03 pm

zneumann wrote:
Dear Leader wrote:
Odd that a live stream of VOK has not been available somewhere on the internet, I have looked and cannot find one.  You would think that someone could do it...
Look at the comment literally right above yours.
Yes, I know, that has been around for years. As far as I can tell, it isn't live streaming, but has 2 VOK recordings available, one three years old the other 4 years old.
I just checked again - there's a red button on the top right screen that says live, but it is playing the 3 year old recording. Every time I have gone to the site in the past, it plays the same recording.   I don't think it is a live stream. Please let me know if I am mistaken.
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Streaming Voice of Korea radio from Pyongyang
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