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 AUDIO - BBC RADIO 3 from North Korea (2 x 40 minute programmes)

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AUDIO - BBC RADIO 3 from North Korea (2 x 40 minute programmes) Empty
PostSubject: AUDIO - BBC RADIO 3 from North Korea (2 x 40 minute programmes)   AUDIO - BBC RADIO 3 from North Korea (2 x 40 minute programmes) Icon_minitimeSun Oct 19, 2008 6:33 am

AUDIO - BBC RADIO 3 WORLD MUSIC Award winning show ( 2 x 40 minute programmes) with Andy Kershaw presenter. We sought permission for the first ever radio programme in DPRK and had incredible access listening to songs from the Schoolchildrens's Palace to a soldier on the DMZ...but the star of the show was without doubt the singing waitress who's voice would go beyond borders. Broadcast 2004. Nominated for a Sony award-
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AUDIO - BBC RADIO 3 from North Korea (2 x 40 minute programmes)
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