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 I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help!

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International Party Membe

I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help! Empty
PostSubject: I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help!   I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help! Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2015 11:26 am

I have organized a fund to do it but i need help. How do you get the broadcast. I'm very confused how you simply watch the satellite?! Please help
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I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help!   I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help! Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2015 6:35 pm

International Party Membe wrote:
I have organized a fund to do it but i need help. How do you get the broadcast. I'm very confused how you simply watch the satellite?! Please help
That's way over my head.
Ask and see if you can find some info at these links

Otherwise, this link still appears to be streaming KCTV: mms://
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I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help!   I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help! Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 4:40 pm

if your still looking into it, ill be glad to help, me and my friends know a lot about this stuff clap
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I have began the process on streaming the thaicom 5's satellite of Korean Central Telivsion but need help!
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