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 North Korea news article 2013/5/18: Story Of Traffic Girls

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PostSubject: North Korea news article 2013/5/18: Story Of Traffic Girls   North Korea news article 2013/5/18: Story Of Traffic Girls Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 1:30 am

From North Korea official media, an article about the Traffic Girls:
    May. 18, Juche 102 (2013) Saturday
    Story of Traffic Girls

    It was one January day 1997.

    General Kim Jong Il was among some officials. His face was beaming with a smile, as he said, "I got a letter sent in the name of traffic girls after receiving new uniforms." The letter told of a moving story.

    It happened one day. The general was on his way back from his inspection tour of a KPA unit. Passing a crossroad in the capital city, he saw a traffic girl. His eyes kept looking at the girl. It was a cold winter day, and the girl was on duty, wearing a short skirt.

    Back to his office, the general took care that all traffic girls performing duties on crossroads and all traffic men patrolling the streets on motorcycles should be provided with padded trousers and nice jackets.

    A few days later, the general, laying aside some documents, began looking at the design for traffic controllers' new uniforms.

    Before going out for duty on their new uniforms, traffic girls had sent a letter of thanks to the general. Tears were rolling down the cheeks as they wrote the letter to the general.

    Remembering every sentence of the letter, the general saw that the traffic controllers be supplied with better boots and sunglasses.

    Some days later, he spoke to some officials in an excited tone, "I've seen traffic girls on their new padded trousers, jackets, caps and boots. All the streets now look more spick and span, girls looking taller and prettier. On their skirt in cold winter, they looked pitiable. Now I feel I'm relieved from all anxieties."

    There are numerous stories about his loving care for traffic controllers.

    The invariable warm love for traffic controllers shown by the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un produced a hero of our Republic among the traffic controllers, the first of the kind in the country.

    Enjoying the love of successive great leaders of the country, the traffic controllers today stand as firm as ever at their glorious posts.
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North Korea news article 2013/5/18: Story Of Traffic Girls
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