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 Brazilian North Korea article featuring the women traffic police

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Brazilian North Korea article featuring the women traffic police Empty
PostSubject: Brazilian North Korea article featuring the women traffic police   Brazilian North Korea article featuring the women traffic police Icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2009 9:30 pm

From a chinese article about a Brazilian magazine report on North Korea.
Of course, prominently featured in the magazine is a trafficgirl picture.

Brazilian reporter's visit to North Korea makes note of North Korea as the most closed most strange country

Brazilian North Korea article featuring the women traffic police 20090825133319_bodyfile

Brazilian North Korea article featuring the women traffic police 20090825133354_bodyfile

"....In the 38-story hotels guest rooms, one can see Pyongyang is very clean and very beautiful, but with few stores and vehicles. Incomprehensible is that although there are no vehicles on the street, woman traffic police still stand in the middle making special hand signals."
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Brazilian North Korea article featuring the women traffic police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brazilian North Korea article featuring the women traffic police   Brazilian North Korea article featuring the women traffic police Icon_minitimeSat Oct 10, 2009 3:07 am

Very cool - a BRAZILIAN article about NORTH KOREA from a CHINESE website now here on an AMERICAN site. Es la aldea global. .....
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Brazilian North Korea article featuring the women traffic police
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