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 Leaving for Pyongyang August 31

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trafficgirl photographer

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Leaving for Pyongyang August 31 Empty
PostSubject: Leaving for Pyongyang August 31   Leaving for Pyongyang August 31 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 19, 2011 11:21 am

This years tour will be 16 days and plenty of time in Pyongyang. This will be the fourth trip to the DPRK and the longest now allowed for foreigners on tourist visas.
I will shoot the Traffic Girls from fixed positions at three intersections and potentially more. I have some new lenses and more cameras. I can shoot video if that is something everyone would like.
Rumor is that the lights are on and the girls have been sidelined at many locations. I will give a full report on this.
Sixteen days is a long time to be in North Korea. My last tour of 11 days was fascinating but very long. We were getting pretty hungry by the end of the tour. This time I am bringing more snacks. Don't get me wrong, I love kimchee and dog soup but squid every day is a bit much.

Save the questions for the September report and the photos will be on Flickr and I will save some exclusives for the Dear Leader.

Yes, I will do a calendar again in September.
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Leaving for Pyongyang August 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving for Pyongyang August 31   Leaving for Pyongyang August 31 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 20, 2011 2:56 pm

Squid - ugg.

I can't wait to see what you come back with. I've read that there's more traffic and more traffic lights - maybe with the traffic ladies now standing by on the curbs, they are more accessible and you can get a pic of you with one. Idea

traffic girl Zaruka >----> traffic girl mad
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Leaving for Pyongyang August 31
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