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 BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found

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Pyongyang Sam
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Pyongyang Sam
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeTue Jun 16, 2009 9:39 pm

I have identified Traffic Girl sites in the following cities.


Here is Haeju

BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Haejut12

Here is Chongjin

BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Chongj10

Here is Nampo

BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Nampot10

Here is Hamhung

BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Hamhun10

Let me know if you want the long/lat or "kmz" file.

Stand By Our Leader --- Yahoo Traffic Girls Everywhere!!!!!!

Pyang Sam
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 1:12 am

Wow, again, very interesting.

What about Kaesong? I think I've seen a picture of a traffic officer site in that city (sometimes there's a guy at that location Crying or Very sad )
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은색 party member 은색

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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 7:44 am

You're right, I googled .....
BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found 2914903354_bda7c8fc22
A KTM - Kaesong traffic man
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Pyongyang Sam
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 10:41 am


Thanks for the Keasong pic. I found 4 spots in Kaesong (see below). It looks like the picture may be Kaesong TG Site 2 looking south. The image is blurry, but it could be the mysterious "double ring" traffic spot, buildings on the side and the mountain in the background.

BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Kaeson10

Keep those cards and letters coming.....

Stand By our Man ----- Sponsor a Traffic Girl's Bikini Fitting

P'yang Sam
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Dear Leader
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 12:44 am

I don't know that there are female traffic controllers in other cities - there may be, but I don't recall seeing a picture of one, or a report of them other than in Pyongyang. Pyongyang is the DPRK's "showcase city", so their traffic girls are a perfect fit.

But if they are expanding to other cities, this might be a picture of one in action: Kaesong TG site 2 You can see her shadow.
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Pyongyang Sam
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 1:28 am

Dear Leader,

Yes, I agree, Kaesong #2 has a shadow that looks like a traffic circle is occupied. Even in Pyonyang, I've tried to ID a circle that looks like it is occupied, but not been successful.

Maybe if we had access to the higher resolution images. (I think they exist) Wink

Stand By Our Man --- Pyongyang Traffic Girls Should Form a Girl Band

P'yang Sam
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 11:17 pm

I have been to Haeju, Nampo and Kaesong. I passed several of those places multiple times. Males are directing traffic at those locations. I am going to Hamhung and will look but I have not seen any TGs outside Pyongyang. I really hang out of the bus at every intersection. I remember these intersections, particularly Haeju and Nampo. We stopped at one. As many photos as I take I may be able to produce one of the intersection.

I am supposed to go to Kaesong again as well as Wonsan. I have only seen males at intersections and on the outskirts of Pyongyang too.

If I see a female directing traffic I will report back.
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeThu Jul 15, 2010 2:39 am

It would be a real scoop if you get a picture of a traffic lady outside Pyongyang. I don't think there are any, but that's just based on never finding a picture of one in another city, plus I read a couple times that they only have traffic men outside Pyongyang.
But who knows, maybe things are changing. Let us know what you find.
traffic girl
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Outside Pyongyang   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeThu Jul 15, 2010 8:49 am

I recall that someone told me in country that Pyongyang is the only place that females direct traffic. I will put that on my to do list back in the "glorious fatherland." The TG are one of the few things that are really unique and yet I would bet they will be gone some day. Photograph today for tomorrow they may be gone.

If I can just get a uniform.

Why don't they sell post cards that depict the traffic girls? That would be remarkable. I am always looking for post cards but I have never seen one like that. Of course there are so few tourists that demand is low.

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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeThu Jul 15, 2010 2:30 pm

I still like my ideas of souvenir traffic girl podium music boxes, and life-sized cardboard cutout traffic girls for tourists to take their pictures with.
Or how about a life sized traffic girl cutout with a hole where the face is, tourists would put their head through the hole and have their picture taken "as" a traffic girl!
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Dear Leader
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 12:13 am

Jong-Il's Hair Apparent wrote:
I still like my ideas of souvenir traffic girl podium music boxes, and life-sized cardboard cutout traffic girls for tourists to take their pictures with.
Or how about a life sized traffic girl cutout with a hole where the face is, tourists would put their head through the hole and have their picture taken "as" a traffic girl!
Or they can just photoshop their head onto a PTG picture.
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeWed Aug 18, 2010 1:35 am

If I were in North Korea, I would not care about any other thing. Screw the shrine, the DMZ and the metro... I'd go to North Korea just for that!

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Dear Leader
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BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Empty
PostSubject: Re: BOMBSHELL -- New Traffic Girls Found   BOMBSHELL  -- New Traffic Girls Found Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2010 12:54 am

Shifter wrote:
If I were in North Korea, I would not care about any other thing. Screw the shrine, the DMZ and the metro... I'd go to North Korea just for that!
Send back some pictures when you do! Smile
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