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 North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ?

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은색 party member 은색

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North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ? Empty
PostSubject: North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ?   North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 22, 2010 9:04 am

North Korea builds a giant statue in Senegal, receives Senegalese land & Jong-Il is awarded

What is going on here? North Korea builds a huge statue in Senegal - in return, Senegal gives NK a piece of land
and awards Kim Jong-Il the Grand National Cross, the highest order of Senegal.

The 164-foot structure -- about a foot taller than the Statue of Liberty -- shows the figures of a man, a woman and a child, arms outstretched, facing the Atlantic Ocean.
North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ? Senegals-African-Renaissa-001
They went to the experts - North Korea is the world's premier huge massive statue builder.
But what's that land deal all about?

Thousands of demonstrators marched in the Sengalese capital Dakar to demand president's resignation over the Soviet-style bronze monument.
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North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ?   North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 22, 2010 5:37 pm

It turns out that NK sold the land for profit.

    President Wade had no budget for the African Renaissance, so instead offered a prime chunk of state-owned land in exchange, which North Korea has since resold at a large profit, he says.

    "Only the North Koreans could build my statue," says Mr. Wade, sitting in a red velvet chair in his palace. Moreover, they offer monuments at a good rate, he says: "I had no money."

Funny - "they offer monuments at a good rate"

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은색 party member 은색

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North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ?   North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ? Icon_minitimeFri Nov 19, 2010 8:56 am

Too bad they don't say how much they got for it. I wouldn't think there's a high demand for land in Senegal.

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North Korea builds giant statue in Senegal - HUH ?
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