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 Picture Gallery URLs keep changing - wtf?

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Picture Gallery URLs keep changing - wtf? Empty
PostSubject: Picture Gallery URLs keep changing - wtf?   Picture Gallery URLs keep changing - wtf? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 14, 2009 3:02 am

The URLs of the pictures in the gallery have changed once again, resulting in more pic links that don't work. I went back through the threads and tried to fix the posted pictures that were affected. I dont know why keeps changing them, other than trying to prevent other sites from hotlinking to them and using bandwidth. Although that doesn't explain why SUPPLIES THE URL ADDRESSES FOR HOTLINKING in the gallery itself.

I suggest using the full bbcode for the pic if you want to post it somewhere, instead of just the image URL. That way the image has a link to, creating traffic for them, which increases their pageview count - in otherwords, attracting customers and advertisers.
I'm guessing they have a way of knowing when images are only direct linked to, and that may be why they change the URLs.
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Picture Gallery URLs keep changing - wtf?
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