I have returned from the re-education camps.
I apologize for my spammy behavior years back, i am now more mature and educated.
yea this was first app i made. I thought it was hilarious idea to hide the things kim's looking at and make a trivia game with it, i used all 400+ images from the whats kim looking at Tumblr blog.
It's available on Apple Appstore as well now. So both Android and iOS versions exist
Of course i was hoping to make a buck as well.
Too bad the game didn't go viral, oh well... it could still happen i guess lol
I actually updated the game with a rewarded hint system recently, and removed banner ads.
I will also upload the game to gamejolt.com, so it can be played on the computer!
I'm thinknig of making What's Kim Jong Un Looking At, but it would be a ton of work again and i don't know if it's worth it... maybe if a war starts lol! or if the first game gets more downloads.