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 Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour

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trafficgirl photographer

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Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour Empty
PostSubject: Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour   Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour Icon_minitimeThu Jul 28, 2011 9:11 am

I have finalized plans for a 16 day visit to the DPRK, my fourth visit. Thus far I have 21 days in-country and will expand that on this tour. I have plotted all opportunities for a new crop of photos of the Traffic Girls. I took about 200 last time and should have at least that many or more this time. I plan to use several types of cameras and I hope to shoot some video as well. Yes, sometimes the circumstances are difficult but I have a few plans ready to go and some new lenses. Last year I did an HDR photo but this year I am hoping for more at different intersections.
I am still planning my next trip in for February and the centennial of Kim Il-sung's birth. I need to go in winter for the winter uniforms.
I will be sending an email to our dear leader of the PYTG site from Pyongyang and the comfort of the Yanggakto hotel (or Alcatraz as we call it). I do get a few nights in town and I know the corner of one street I will get a clear shot from the hotel at the intersection for the evening shift.
I will give an update from Pyongyang and a report when I get back about 21 September.
ps I will once again try to get a photo with a TG. I do that every year but they are often too shy.
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Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour   Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2011 3:01 am

We'll be waiting for your report - and of course more TG pics. HDR I assume means high definition something. I love the detail that you can see in HD pics.

Let us know if the traffic light situation is improving. Improving, i.e., 'less lights more traffic ladies'. I hope you get to see some in action.

Shy TGs - Try flattery. "you are so beautiful, will you please pose for me?"
I wonder how many can speak English - is it required schooling? hmmm ... I think in China some English teaching is required...
People learning a second language love practicing it with native speakers.

P.S. - I added a smilie to the gallery for you:
Trafficgirl turning
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Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour   Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour Icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 7:44 am

The government approved tours generally have no problems, but there have been instances of American tourists violating policy even after undergoing extensive pre-travel briefings on the finer points of North Korean travel.
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Heading to Pyongyang on September 3 - Fourth Tour
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