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 Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia

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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 1:49 am

I confess I emailed the chief minister of the ACT in Australias office suggesting we have our own traffic girls here and put a link to this site.

I haven't had a reply but maybe our boring polititions secretely lust for traffic girls now....
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 11:21 pm

Shifter wrote:
I confess I emailed the chief minister of the ACT in Australias office suggesting we have our own traffic girls here and put a link to this site.
Someone speculated that south of the equator all trafficgirls rotate clockwise, as opposed to counterclockwise in the north. This could put that theory to the test.
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeThu May 13, 2010 3:20 am

Doesn't look like they are enlightened enough yet to employ them. Australia wont be seeing this sort of traffic control anytime soon Sad Sad Sad

Message from the Chief Minister....

Thankyou for your email of 17 April 2010 suggesting the use of traffic police ladies as employed in Pyongyang in North Korea to control intersections in the ACT instead of traffic lights.

Whilst this is certainly a novel suggestion, I am informed there are some fundamental differences between the Pyongyang and Canberra situations that need to be taken into account.

As I understand, the traffic ladies in Pyongyang were initially employed as the electricity supply there is so unreliable that traffic light control is not really an option. They subsequently became something of a tourist attraction.

The traffic volumes in Pyongyang are very light so the task of traffic control is not particularly onerous. However, many of Canberra's intersections are large and carry significant volumes of traffic throughout the day so the task of controlling them with police officers would be demanding and quite hazardous. Also, it would not be safe to have them controlled by traffic police at busier times of the day and then left with no control at other times.

On balance, I believe the use of traffic lights is the better option for the ACT.

Than you for raising the matter with me. I trust that this information is of assistance.

Yours sincerely

Jon Stanhope MLA
Minister for Transport.
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeFri May 14, 2010 11:39 pm

lol - I thought you were kidding about doing that!

I like that he took the time to send you a response.

He should take into consideration something he acknowledged - "They subsequently became something of a tourist attraction" - and think about how they could be made into tourist attractions in Australia, too.
And the excuse that traffic is light in Pyongyang but too busy in Canberra for traffic police?
It's not just Pyongyang that uses them - this is from China, a busy intersection ...
Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia 1251721248_FYvyyY

So he really should rethink the subject. Australian trafficgirls in cute snappy uniforms, tourist attractions - how could they go wrong?
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 9:12 am

I have emailed our Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. He, as his days of a diplomat has been to Pyongyang in the past and hopefully will see the logic of my suggestion!! Smile
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 8:14 pm

Here's a few points of persuasion on the subject he could consider.
1. Create jobs
2. Improve tourism
3. Allow precise intersection control (Less time idling at red lights - saving gas)
4. It's a green technology
5. Calming influence on drivers
6. Beautify Australia

traffic girl
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2010 1:02 am

I sent him this (which seems to cover some of the points you suggested)

Quote :

Good day,

I was wondering of a way that we could create jobs, cut carbon emissions, increase road safety and increase tourism to the Capital at the same time.

I propose using traffic police ladies (much like you would have seen in North Korea) at various intersections in Canberra which may replace the need for costly and mostly inefficient traffic lights.

I am sure you have noticed in Canberra new traffic lights being put up where there were previously 'give way' signs. It would have been far cheaper and cause less disruption if we had a director of traffic instead.

I propose a system similar to the style done in Pyongyang, North Korea. As you have been to the city before I am sure you have seen first hand how they work. I know their electricity is unreliable which is why they were employed in the first place, but a quick look on youtube and forums around the world will show you that people come from around the world go to see them and take photos of them. They have become a major tourist attraction for the impoverished state, which for North Korea has returned what it costs to have them in many fold in tourism.

Canberras traffic is relatively light compared to other countries which frequently use them like China and the USA and while putting them at major intersections would not be advisable, smaller 'give way' intersections may benefit at certain times of the day.

Also, seeing an authoritative figure would get people to slow down and take notice. This would be good around Civic and other shopping centres at night where many people take stupid risks on the road to show off.

The biggest hurdle I forsee is allowing the job open to exclusively women (or at least a large percentage of them). In North Korea, they must also be considered attractive, between 16-26 years old, unmarried, healthy and above 5'4 tall.

With equal opportunity, this might be hard to accomplish but if our traffic ladies do not look or move similar to those in Pyongyang, the tourism part of the idea will probably not work. I dont see why it should be a problem though as its creating a job where there was none before. It may also work in a positive way for women to get people to take attractive women seriously in an authoritative manner and earn respect.

To me, if people would be willing to travel to Pyongyang to take photos and videos of the way they direct traffic (a country thats not considered a tourist hotspot), then I dont see why people who would already come to Australia would not want to see the 'Canberra traffic girls'. People always go to Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne but Canberra is usually to quaint a place to bother with. Even I would love to meet a North Korean traffic lady!

So I think in conclusion, it would not only create jobs (where the salary would be mostly spent back in Canberra anyway), it would increase tourism, returning some money back to the Capital, cut carbon emissions through the use of improved traffic flow and the lack of the traffic light and increase road safety by making sure everyone encounters a road authoritative figure each day to keep themselves in check.

I drive everyday and can go weeks without seeing a police officer or police car. This makes it easy to be complacent. Already more people have died on Canberras roads this year than the total amount for last year.

Please get back to me on what you think about this. For someone who has been to Pyongyang I would be interested in your perspective not only in their use in North Korea but on what you would think about having them here in Canberra.

Thanks for your time,

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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2010 1:37 am

That is outstanding! applaude
You present quite a compelling and well thought out argument for the creation of the Canberra Traffic Controller. I agree with those points about safety and police visibility - makes sense to me. Also with EO it's valid as to whether they would hire only traffic women. Perhaps if the job description were traffic ladies, few men would apply. I dunno
It will be interesting to see what kind of response this recieves.

This topic deserves it's own thread - plus it's a bit offtopic on this one - I might be able to split this up. I'll check it out.
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청동 party member 청동

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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2010 4:44 pm

North Korea as a role model for traffic control? Seriously.....
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeMon May 24, 2010 12:44 pm

A good idea is a good idea. Who cares where it's from? Smile

Just look at the traffic girl of the month right now and tell me thats not perfection!

The closest thing we have now is the lollypop men and women. The men can look as rough as hell and the women can look as butch as the men. Or old and tired

Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Lollipoplady

Give me youthful and sexy!!!

Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Trafficgcb1_0810
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 2:06 am

The timing of my email may be a bit off however. A little earlier, his webpage had him condemning North Korea for sinking the South Korean navy ship.

Even though the condemnation is justified ( also a friend of mine from South Korea now has a friend who wont be returning home anymore), I probably look like a North Korean sympathiser! lol

Infact, I am probably now on a terrorist watch list from my recent enquires about getting a DPRK visa and liking the way they do things up there to different branches of the government here.

Bah! I still like the traffic ladies!!!
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은색 party member 은색

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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeWed May 26, 2010 8:47 am

I'd suggest you start an Aussie online petition to encourage the authorities to use trafficwomen using yahoo or facebook or whatever - tell people to send emails in en masse.

If you are on a terrorist watch list, at least you have their attention now!
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 3:32 am

That poor lady has been on the job to long. "lollypop women" - I had no idea.

I did find a slightly cuter one -
Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia N39767816710_1348

And I found a very cute Australian policewoman!
Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Australia-Day-2008-Gorgeous-Police-Woman_MG_4437-1
Just think how sweet she'd look in a cute traffic girl uniform.
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 11:06 pm

I have not given up! I emailed our new Prime Minister, but as she is a woman, maybe she wont like the idea because she would not be considered attractive enough for the job herself...
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 6:15 pm

Shifter wrote:
I have not given up! I emailed our new Prime Minister, but as she is a woman, maybe she wont like the idea because she would not be considered attractive enough for the job herself...
LOL - I thinks she looks O.K. , she's on a top 10 sexiest female politicians list
Although Hillary among that top 10 makes the validity somewhat dubious.
Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Julia_gillard

Maybe like the addage "Only Nixon can go to China", maybe only a female PM can authorize Aussie trafficwomen.
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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 5:36 pm

"sexy" is not really what comes to mind there.

But that Ukranian PM - holy schmoly! drool
Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Yulia_Tymoshenko-black+in+pearls
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 8:50 pm

Hmm, Ukraine is looking better and better!!

Well, my email was probably not even checked by the PM. It was forwarded to the same minister who declined the first time. As he is on leave, some other minister replied basically saying I got my answer from him the last time. Sad

I'm not giving up!!

I'm emailing the PM again and telling her that there are many beautiful traffic officers in North Korea that have possible been made redundant and if Australia could put in a request to employ them for use in Australian cities. If only for a short trial at least.

We dont have to train anyone new, and given what they are used to being paid, I'm sure they'll be happy with almost anything!

And Mr Il can be pleased that a western country is looking to North Korea for ideas on the way things should be done. I'm sure it will be very good for his propaganda campaigns.

I'm also going to send the same sort of email to every traffic minister in every other state.

I'm going to be a real pest until I get a decent answer!!!!
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 9:17 pm

Here is what I sent the PM

Subject: Traffic ladies of North Korea

Hi, I have recently learned the sad news that after decades of service, the traffic ladies of Pyongyang, North Korea are being retired in favour of LED traffic control lights. These women have done an outstanding job in directing traffic and it would be a shame for their talents to go to waste. They are a North Korean icon that many thousands of tourists come to see each year.

However, I was thinking this would be a great opportunity to put in a request to North Korea if we could perhaps employ them for use in Australian cities.

Many 'chosen' North Koreans do work/study outside of North Korea for short periods of time so with some negotiating I think it can be arranged to employ some of them here if we could grant them access to work here. Given the job that they will be doing, there is nothing these ladies could learn about us that the North Korean Government couldn't already find out on the internet. The security risk of having these particular North Koreans here is negligible.

I also think it would be a valuable cultural exchange for both our countries as I know both sides have a lot to learn. I think at the very least it could be a flattering gesture which may soften the North Korean states stance on Australia in the future given our alliance with the US.

I have confidence that there would be no problem and I offer to take full responsibility for their conduct. Despite what many people are led to believe, the general population of North Koreans are very friendly. I also think if the world learns that we have them here, we could bolster our own tourism industry at the same time.

I urge you to consider this proposal and would appreciate your thoughts on this matter.

Thanks for your time,
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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 6:54 pm

It's always said that persistence is the key! I admire your determination to get a reply from the authorities there.
Of course you've made some valid points, and you may actually get some attention from higher-ups with all your emails - "who is this person that keeps pestering us about North Korean traffic women ... and why?".
The unique subject alone might cause the screeners to send it through to the PM, and she may actually be amused enough to respond.
But unfortunately 1. It's unlikely that they would ever 'import' PTGs to work the traffic there, and 2. It's even more unlikely that NK would ever allow them to leave the country.
BUT it may plant a seed with them to consider a study on possibly having traffic controllers based on the North Korean standard!
We'll be waiting to hear how they respond! thumbup
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은색 party member 은색

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Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia   Topic: Trafficgirls for Australia Icon_minitimeFri Nov 19, 2010 9:56 am

God I'd love to be there when they read those emails! They HAVE to reply - it's too unusual a subject to pass up! Can't wait to see it!
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