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 Funky Juche Party Video!!

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Funky Juche Party Video!! Empty
PostSubject: Funky Juche Party Video!!   Funky Juche Party Video!! Icon_minitimeMon Mar 15, 2010 5:31 pm

I just finished a nice funky juche video, a viewer of which directed me to this awesome website. There aren't any traffic girls in the video, but there is a cameo of dancing sword girls:

If someone could point me to some PTG videos that aren't flash format, I'd love to make nice video of them too.
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Dear Leader
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Funky Juche Party Video!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funky Juche Party Video!!   Funky Juche Party Video!! Icon_minitimeMon Mar 15, 2010 7:37 pm

Ha - I saw that linked on another website a couple days ago.

Quote :
If someone could point me to some PTG videos that aren't flash format, I'd love to make nice video of them too
You could get a flash to video converter, and use that?
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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent
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Funky Juche Party Video!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funky Juche Party Video!!   Funky Juche Party Video!! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 18, 2010 7:11 pm

BirdFLU wrote:
I just finished a nice funky juche video, a viewer of which directed me to this awesome website. There aren't any traffic girls in the video, but there is a cameo of dancing sword girls:

If someone could point me to some PTG videos that aren't flash format, I'd love to make nice video of them too.
There's PTG videos on this playlist:
You can use clipnabber to download them
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party member first poster

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Funky Juche Party Video!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funky Juche Party Video!!   Funky Juche Party Video!! Icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 4:37 am

Ha - I saw that linked on another website a couple days ago
I just finished a nice funky juche video
spam link fail
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Funky Juche Party Video!!
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