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 Does Kim Jongil see this?

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Does Kim Jongil see this? Empty
PostSubject: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 01, 2010 7:24 pm

Hello. I like your website of the North Korean traffic girls. Does Kim Jongil ever visit here to see?
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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent
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Does Kim Jongil see this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 02, 2010 6:07 pm

annon wrote:
Hello. I like your website of the North Korean traffic girls. Does Kim Jongil ever visit here to see?
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PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 02, 2010 12:02 pm

thats kind of an ODD Question. Kim does go online think about it Most NK people are Banned from watching any outside TV, BUT he does & watches many US Films.
its odd because i thought he Hated us. BUT then again he is curious about western ways & just enjoys the movies, BUT Hey! NK people should also.
( IKNOW there not allowed to) some are spies & do go online & have outside sources
letting them know so im sure they know Youtube. im sure / MYBE some of the ones that stick up for kim are actually NKspies online. ive seen a couple that were (in profile) said NK
But its easy to lie on a profile.
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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent
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PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 02, 2010 10:31 pm

Raymasaki wrote:
thats kind of an ODD Question. Kim does go online think about it Most NK people are Banned from watching any outside TV, BUT he does & watches many US Films.
its odd because i thought he Hated us. BUT then again he is curious about western ways & just enjoys the movies, BUT Hey! NK people should also.
( IKNOW there not allowed to) some are spies & do go online & have outside sources
letting them know so im sure they know Youtube. im sure / MYBE some of the ones that stick up for kim are actually NKspies online. ive seen a couple that were (in profile) said NK
But its easy to lie on a profile.
In all seriousness, I think it is possible that he may have seen this website.
He does have an interest in Western culture, he probably does some online viewing (he knows some English), and would have a curiosity about things NK on the web. He may also have aides who inform him of news or trends that would be of interest to him.
(Kim, if you're reading this, please register here and make some contributions to our website - we'll give you VIP status)

I'd agree that some of the those people who post the pro-NK youtube videos or other pro-NK propaganda on the internet are actually working for/with the North Korean government, but I don't consider them "spies". Maybe "plants".
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PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 03, 2010 9:46 am

im not sure how to reply to you specifically.
oh Yeah im sure they see all kinds of stuff & are searching their own country yeah not "spies" But just researchers. I think too many people are giving him too much credit
like he "wants Peace" IF he did he would have already gotten rid of weapons
and realized NO one was gonna attack them if they didnt have a Military.
YES I do like NK mainly the people & many people in other countries want to be friends
so much for juche spirit NK is opening & are allowing People to visit
under "strict Rules" i myself wouldn't mind Visiting.
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Dear Leader
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Does Kim Jongil see this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2010 1:49 am

Yep, I'd bet money that either Kim or other officials of his regime have checked this place out, especially after all the recent internet Pyongyang Traffic Girl buzz and the links to here. I'm sure they are more than aware of how popular their traffic women are with foreigners.
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청동 party member 청동

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Does Kim Jongil see this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 5:42 pm

I disagree - If he knew of this place, he would have his minions hack into it and shut it down. Too many critical comments about NK.
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PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 7:05 pm

I disagree catcher22 - LOOK at youtube & the documantries
& the comments on those videos. i don't think they have the skill to "hack" Youtube
or any other website. they DO search the internet the chosen few.
(Not the citizens) I have seen some profiles on Youtube that say
"North Korea" But yeah it could easly be a pro south or a communist chinese.
there are some dummies that stick up for NK on videos.
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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent
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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent

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PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 7:09 pm

Nothing related to the DPRK escapes the scrutiny of the NK government - yes they have been here.
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은색 party member 은색

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Does Kim Jongil see this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2010 8:51 am

I hate to blow anyone's cover, but catcher22 IS Kim Jong-Il. Don't let him fool you.
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청동 party member 청동

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Does Kim Jongil see this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 5:54 pm

I hate to blow anyone's cover, but catcher22 IS Kim Jong-Il. Don't let him fool you.
LOL - if any one here is, it's you - someone who seems not to care about NKs nuclear missle ambitions. Wink
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은색 party member 은색

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Does Kim Jongil see this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Kim Jongil see this?   Does Kim Jongil see this? Icon_minitimeFri May 14, 2010 8:34 am

catcher22 wrote:
I hate to blow anyone's cover, but catcher22 IS Kim Jong-Il. Don't let him fool you.
LOL - if any one here is, it's you - someone who seems not to care about NKs nuclear missle ambitions. Wink
Rolling Eyes
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