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 MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009

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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2009 4:47 pm

There are new PTG photos coming from Ray Cunningham's recent trip to the DPRk. His flickr page is HERE and I will post the TG pics in this thread as they become available.
He shared some insight into NK with me recently, and with permission I relay a few of his observations:

    Photography of the Traffic Girls – The guides I had were fascinated by my interest in the traffic girls so they assisted me. By the end of the tour the guides (KWP members) were having me holler out to them as we passed them. Of course I didn’t exactly know what I said in Korean but I think it was on the order of “I Love you”

    They are shy as I photographed at a few locations and saw different ones after a shift change. I did see them laugh and giggle while hanging out under a tree. The stern look was from one of them seemed to be in reaction to photography but others seemed flattered. It varies and Koreans in general are more shy than the Chinese who are used to photography.

    Stills work best for the traffic girls. I love the eerie sound of the propaganda speakers on video but I prefer stills timed to their stopped movements. It is a form of ballet that will be gone someday. Some photos I have are blurred by movement but many turn out.

    There is a school for training traffic girls. I was told that they go to school and are chosen for looks but the story that KJI chooses them struck the guides as absurd. It is an honor to be chosen to do the work but it is an occupation. I should have asked if ever any girl has been killed on duty. It is my belief that they are not on duty after dark. Men with lit vests are on duty. It is really dark in Pyongyang without street lights. I saw one dead pedestrian on the south side of town one evening.

He's also hoping to arrange a photoshoot at the Trafficgirl school next year, which would be really interesting and something to look forward to - I just hope the NK authorities agree to it.

Click on the pictures to see the flickr page, and for larger sizes.

MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3947266806_5e15926865

I like this one - two PTGs, a shift change, a night shot and on the new podiums.
MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3946503023_8260bae906

more to come

Last edited by Dear Leader on Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2009 1:46 am

Here's some more ..... click on the picture to see larger sizes

MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3953416849_91fae0bd12_m MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3954117324_80516348e6_m MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3953246681_7081426c9e_m MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3954025122_b3a854408f_m MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3952489522_3f7085e958_m MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3952367760_b9797a35a4_m

also check out his photo page for all pics of the DPRK trip.
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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 4:43 pm

at least they will stay dry
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청동 party member 청동

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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 29, 2009 3:03 pm

Despite how silly those things seem, it does increase the visibility of the traffic girls, so it must make them feel a lot safer. Of course the "Dear Leader" claims all the credit for this idea.
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청동 party member 청동

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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 02, 2009 12:17 am

Why aren't these platforms/podiums decorated with propaganda of the Dear Leader????
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Dear Leader
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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 02, 2009 4:23 am

Mayor_of_Pyongyang wrote:
Why aren't these platforms/podiums decorated with propaganda of the Dear Leader????
Are you mocking them? tsk tsk fingerwag

Here's another:
Click for a larger picture.
MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3971178139_5c2eb500c1
Absolutely no traffic to be seen.
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청동 party member 청동

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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 2:02 am

Dear Leader wrote:
Mayor_of_Pyongyang wrote:
Why aren't these platforms/podiums decorated with propaganda of the Dear Leader????
Are you mocking them? tsk tsk fingerwag

Here's another:
Click for a larger picture.
MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3971178139_5c2eb500c1
Absolutely no traffic to be seen.

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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent
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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 9:42 pm

Mayor_of_Pyongyang wrote:
Dear Leader wrote:
Mayor_of_Pyongyang wrote:
Why aren't these platforms/podiums decorated with propaganda of the Dear Leader????
Are you mocking them? tsk tsk fingerwag

Here's another:
Click for a larger picture.
MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3971178139_5c2eb500c1
Absolutely no traffic to be seen.

And the bicycle is being WALKED through the intersection, are they forbidden to ride them across?
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Dear Leader
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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2009 4:46 am

Here's 19 more PTG pics from Ray, the latest uploads - Click on thumbnail to see larger picture.

MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3952328771_896980c42d_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3967376260_1e6425a2b0_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3966619485_99dae25fda_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3975577840_5d11f937b8_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3966581613_910f7281b0_t

MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3966506925_da36dec2ed_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3975156113_44712d6cbd_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3977343966_231ab8774a_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3976581385_5dd598c05e_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3977449804_0f1e8f56df_t

MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3976920715_025b4c8fc0_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3976999327_58c2d5faa1_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3976960925_6cdc80e609_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3980434002_00b3d0cf4d_t

MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3980443894_ccff0d200c_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3979683603_72616b7ec3_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3980442394_b1922f73c8_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3979682515_233f6c6f42_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3980439342_1d587c5d4b_t

flickr page tons of DPRK photos
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청동 party member 청동

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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 06, 2009 12:51 am

I think it would be cool if the circle in the middle of the platform could rotate as to the direction the traffic girl needs to face in order to direct traffic.

This question is unrelated, but does Pyongyang have sewers? I see no drains at the corners and the streets don't seem to taper off at the sides, indicating there is no place for water run-off. What happens to the streets during a rain storm?
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청동 party member 청동

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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2009 5:26 pm

The rain would flow to the lowest elevation - perhaps the streets channel the water to the river.
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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent
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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent

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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2009 10:17 pm

Mayor_of_Pyongyang wrote:
I think it would be cool if the circle in the middle of the platform could rotate as to the direction the traffic girl needs to face in order to direct traffic.
OMG does that give me a great idea. They could make souvenir traffic girl music boxes for the tourists! I can see it now - a miniature replica of the new podium complete with umbrella. A small 3" high painted figure of a traffic girl, raised baton, stands on the circle on the podium. You crank the winding key under the podium music box, and as the miniature TG slowly rotates, the gentle refrain of Airirang would eminate from the podium.

These things would sell like hotcakes! And not only would tourists buy them, but they could be exported throughout the world. It could become a major source of income for the bankrupt NK regime.

Alternate songs for the music box like "baby you can drive my car" "raindrops keep falling on my head" or "crosstown traffic" could also be offered.

In a couple years when these things are being mass-produced, I can point to this post as claim of intellectual copyright and sue for my share of the profits!
$$$ Trafficgirl turning $$$
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Dear Leader
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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 10, 2009 2:56 am

LOL - sign me up for one.

It's a PTG gold mine - the pics from Ray keep on coming ......
Latest uploads
MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3984104669_570335cfa4_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3985192416_a0a1920eef_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3985739150_682e2069d3_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3985062737_c281e0f480_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3990495423_ed9ec15823_t

MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3991251402_312493a07e_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3990496287_aba6e4b03d_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3990497913_11825ed724_t

MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3993800733_317ff1396c_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3994562128_66cbd8c003_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3994562394_cd5e116f7b_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3993801743_39a3a30017_t
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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2009 7:17 pm

hah I found Ray's photos on flickr and this site I will say they look good with the sunglasses on and white gloves.. but I do have a question to ask what is with the whistle and looking like they are waving?

Trafficgirl spinning
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Dear Leader
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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 1:56 am

Mike wrote:
hah I found Ray's photos on flickr and this site I will say they look good with the sunglasses on and white gloves.. but I do have a question to ask what is with the whistle and looking like they are waving?

Trafficgirl spinning
Grasshopper - they whistle for attention and 'wave' to signal a direction
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MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 3:14 am

    20 MORE NEW UPLOADS from Ray !!

    click on thumbnails for larger pics....

      MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 3998183794_75837896d4_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4007485158_6d06797382_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4011304294_e9106959f5_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4010539881_76897c5e2e_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4011198097_3cc1590371_t

      MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4014565111_b1ba2b2dc0_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4016029754_d99ac9ed4a_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4024473242_a54cc3f751_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4023717289_047cdbb807_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4023759697_62058720b3_t

      MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4030417854_d87fef6ca8_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4033650764_d9877222be_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4040635215_45422a02da_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4040732971_5076486c06_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4050974507_6de9a582ce_t

      MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4050974709_8ececdefff_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4051719116_4583c3c397_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4062267275_e477fcbfe3_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4078113749_db430b05e3_t MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 4079675504_41e3064bdd_t

    he has also posted 2 short video clips-

    Trafficgirl working
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    MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 3:08 pm

    I like all of them. The white uniforms are my favorite.
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    Dear Leader
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    MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 26, 2010 1:25 am

    dozaryes wrote:
    I like all of them. The white uniforms are my favorite.
    Summer white. Ray should be bringing back plenty of pictures of the PTGs in summer white from this year's upcoming trip. thumbup
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    spammer undergoing re-education

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    MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 10, 2010 5:42 am

    I am a duchebag spammer
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    MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009   MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2010 3:22 am

    Hang in there duchebag. Generalissimo will recognize your true brilliance soon traffic girl mad
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    MANY NEW PTG PHOTOS from Ray Cunningham - DPRK trip Sept. 2009
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