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 North Korea tests another Atom Bomb

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은색 party member 은색

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2009 7:39 am

This is sure to get people riled up ........

If they put it on one of their dud missles they could go blow up a few whales.
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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2009 1:30 am

It is what it is.
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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2009 3:34 pm

Negotiating hasn't worked, not negotiating hasn't worked. I say we completely boycott communist chinese goods until they rein in their client state, North Korea
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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2009 12:05 am

Unfortunately, the North Koreans smell real weakness with Chairman Obama. We've got a lot of naval and air power in the region yet we do nothing. Six party talks, twelve party talks, it's gonna do a lot of good. traffic girl mad
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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeSat May 30, 2009 12:50 am

I wouldn't want us to to accidentally bomb a traffic girl. No, no no. Sad
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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2009 4:13 pm
Another North Korea Missle launch--6 and counting. What is the Obama administration doing to stop this? Whats to stop one of these missles from falling on Japan or Korea who are our allies.
6 Missles within a week and a nuclear detonation....I see that as a complete failure in diplomacy.
I guess we just sit back and let it keep happening..
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은색 party member 은색

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2009 7:59 am

What would you suggest? Invasion? Bombing? No problem there. Rolling Eyes
The Obama administration is obviously working on options, but he's got a lot on his plate recently.
A more realistic analysis is here
And I found an interesting article about the NK nuclear test
Apparently they still haven't figured out how to get a Plutonium based nuke to explode properly.
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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2009 9:26 am

The best thing we could do is to destroy their missile launch site. The DPRK would most likely not say anything about it, and we wouldn't have to "defend" our actions.

Japan, Korea, etc., are begging us to do something. With the naval power and air power we have or could add to the geographical area, we can take the darn thing out in minutes. Civilian casualties would be nearly non-existent for such a location.

Hey, if Israel could obliterate Syria's nuke sites (or whatever it technically was) without any outrage, we can do this.

Strong message to the nutcake in Iran? Definitely.

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2009 2:08 am

Do we really want to do anything militarily while there are 50,000 artillery pieces pointed at South Korea, and maybe a nuke? Can we really afford to ignore the threat?
No easy answers on this one.
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은색 party member 은색

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2009 5:40 pm

Mayor_of_Pyongyang wrote:
The best thing we could do is to destroy their missile launch site. The DPRK would most likely not say anything about it,
lol! Good one....thanks.
Does anyone really believe that the DPRK is a threat to the world that requires immediate action? Who are they supposed to threaten? Other than Japan and SK there is no one... and what would their motivation, their goal be? An attack on either Japan or SK will bring swift response, a NK nuclear attack would be really they're not a threat just a pain in the butt that no one can do anything about because they've protected themselves from outside interference.

I'd agree that the real worry here is Iran, not in a direct confrontation but from terrorist sympathizers inside the government providing them with either a nuclear device or materials. Fortunately there are moderate voices in Iran that want dialogue and friendly relations with the West rather than confrontation.
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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2009 3:20 pm

In the 1920's, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in which he basically explained what he would do when the Nazis were in power - then prodceded to do it.

And now
North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Ess_north_korean_138

Explain to me why we don't take out North Korea's missiles while we can?
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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2009 11:51 pm

Explain to me why we don't take out North Korea's missiles while we can?


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은색 party member 은색

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeWed Jun 10, 2009 6:54 am

Well.... first, NK is not now, nor will it be anytime in the future, able to invade or destroy the United States. Any hint of a NK missle headed to the US would bring a rain of ruin down upon them - they're not stupid.

NK is not anywhere near the military power the Nazis were - also they are not expansionists who are jonesing to conquer other countries. Quite the opposite, the whole psychology of their regime is inward and isolationist - the exception of course is SK, which they consider the other half of the one Korea. The US, UN and even China would not let them alter the status quo by invading SK - the world would unite against them, they would lose big time, and they know that.

NK's anti-US propaganda is aimed at their domestic population, designed to keep them in fear and united together against their "enemies". Propaganda 101.

Of course NK wants to develop nuclear weapons as a deterrence - they've seen what happens to countries that have no such deterrence ... as in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Hopefully Obama will use war as a last resort, not the first step like Bush/Cheney did.
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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 1:33 am

NK may not be able to invade or destroy the United States, but....

They do have missiles that can probably, with better guidance, hit our military bases in the region, as well as other assets, such as Aircraft Carriers, etc.

And it is said they they're close to a long-range missile that can hit Hawaii and even possibly Los Angeles.

And with the ultra-pacifist Obama, don't be surprised if they test-fire one of those babies pretty darn soon.
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은색 party member 은색

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 8:10 am

I still don't understand how launching a missile strike at the US would benefit them.

And can President Obama really be labeled an ultra-pacifist considering he orders our marines to take out pirates and expands the war in Pakistan and Afghanistan?
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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 3:36 am

Obama wants a "nuke-free" world. He obviously intends even for the US to give up our weapons.

And don't forget his getting on his hands and knees and begging the muslims to like us.

Pacifist? Absolutely!
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은색 party member 은색

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 7:14 am

Mayor_of_Pyongyang wrote:
Obama wants a "nuke-free" world. He obviously intends even for the US to give up our weapons.

And don't forget his getting on his hands and knees and begging the muslims to like us.

Pacifist? Absolutely!
You had said ULTRA-pacifist. Can we crompromise that he's not an ultra-pacifist?

I'll agree he's a pacifist - just like Ronald Reagan, John McCain and George Bush.

"We seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth." - Ronald Reagan
Republican Senator John McCain on Wednesday joined his former rival President Barack Obama in calling for a nuclear-free world, a goal previously formulated by former president Ronald Reagan.
During a lengthy speech on the Senate floor marking the unveiling of a statue of Reagan in the Capitol, the veteran Arizona lawmaker recalled how his "personal hero" had dreamed of a world free of nuclear weapons.
"That is my dream too," McCain said.

North Korea tests another Atom Bomb BushKissingSaudiPrinceNorth Korea tests another Atom Bomb Bush_hand_holding

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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 7:16 pm

N. Korea Warns U.S. of 'Thousand-Fold' Military Action,2933,526801,00.html

N. Korea Warns of Nuclear War Amid Rising Tensions,2933,526186,00.html

Gates: North Korea Prepared to Launch Missile Capable of Hitting Alaska

Report: N. Korea May Fire ICBM Toward Hawaii,2933,527020,00.html

FOX News Poll: Americans Say Obama Not Tough Enough on North Korea, Iran

Gates: North Korea Nuke Progress Sign of 'Dark Future'

What are we waiting for??
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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 8:43 pm

something looks really weird about those two pics of Bush and the Saudi King. Study it for a few minutes. Looks like it was amateurishly photoshopped.

Ronald Reagan also demanded that Gorbachev tear down the Berlin Wall. No debate on what happened shortly thereafter....but Reagans comment really needs to be put into context. Once all the Berlin Walls of the world come down, then the process to eliminate nuclear weapons could be a step closer to happening.

But with NK threatening to destroy Hawaii, well, I think it's premature to want to eliminate nuclear weapons just yet.....
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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 12:55 am

No, those photos of Bush and the Saud are legit, it was widely reported at the time. Although it doesn't mean he was kowtowing to him - it's just Saudi custom.
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청동 party member 청동

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PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 11:27 am

At least he didn't get a big gold chain around his neck.
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청동 party member 청동

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 2:00 pm

Or made a deep bow to him.
North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Byb-obama_bow
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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent
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Jong-Il's Hair Apparent

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 5:40 pm

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은색 party member 은색

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North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea tests another Atom Bomb   North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2009 5:20 pm

Mayor_of_Pyongyang wrote:
At least he didn't get a big gold chain around his neck.

catcher22 wrote:
Or made a deep bow to him.
lol! No, Dubya never bowed or recieved medals from the Saudis ..........

North Korea tests another Atom Bomb Bush-abdullah-2


By the way, the Saudis are our allies. (I know, the Wahabbi stuff. But the leadership, the Kuwaitis, the Emerates - have ben solid allies in a region where we need some.)
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