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 Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea.

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Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea. Empty
PostSubject: Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea.   Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 12:29 pm

Heil mr. Kim and company, good morning dear visitors;

I'm not going to tell you anything you don't know; this web is from North Korea and it was made in order to show an artificial happy side of that country. Now you all -lovely people pro expression freedom- are allowed to delete again my post. love

Mankind there, integrators of the government (other kind of people won't red that); take courage and fight with the intention of recuperate that lost freedom! Let the money and material interests beside and start thinking about people!!!
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Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea.   Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 3:51 pm

lol! kim jong-il beat dead horse
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Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea.   Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 4:48 pm

WOW *shame over me*. I've the right of being wrong Very Happy.

EDIT: well, wrong in the way that I thought my last post was deleted 8-). But I still think that it was made on North Korea fingerwag
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Almost eveyrthing what you are reading was made in North Korea.
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