Dedicated to the world-renowned trafficwomen of the DPRK
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Highest Rated Pictures
RankPic TitlePosterAlbumRating
1 ew. Passing By
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5 / 5   Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star 
2 The Same Trafficgirl - Then And Now * exclusive*
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5 / 5   Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star 
3 gn. Cold Smile
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5 / 5   Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star 
4 dg. Stop
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5 / 5   Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star 
5 cb. The Four Trafficeers
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5 / 5   Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star 
6 fz. Boots
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5 / 5   Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star 
7 dg. On Duty
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5 / 5   Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star 
8 ey. Pretty Cold
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5 / 5   Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star 
9 fm. Snow Command
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 4 / 5   Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star_empty 
10 fh. Curb Appeal
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 4 / 5   Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star Gallery Statistics Rating_star_empty 

Most Viewed Pictures
RankPic TitlePosterAlbumView
1 fm. Snow Command
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 19787
2 The Same Trafficgirl - Then And Now * exclusive*
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 7298
3 cb. The Four Trafficeers
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 6940
4 ew. Passing By
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 6274
5 gn. Cold Smile
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 6224
6 ey. Pretty Cold
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 6102
7 gk. Attention
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5900
8 em. What's going on here?
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5792
9 dg. On Duty
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5532
10 fz. Boots
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 5530

Recent Public Pics
RankPic TitlePosterAlbumDate
1 The Same Trafficgirl - Then And Now * exclusive*
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:57 am
2 On the Rails * exclusive photo *
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:43 am
3 cb. The Four Trafficeers
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:36 am
4 gw. Whistle Stop
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:30 am
5 gw. Still Business
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:27 am
6 gw. She's looking at you, kid
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:23 am
7 gv. Traffic Girl
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:19 am
8 gn. Cold Smile
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:13 am
9 gk. Attention
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:10 am
10 gb. Hold It
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:07 am

Most commented pictures
RankPic TitlePosterAlbumTotal Comments
1 gw. She's looking at you, kid
Dear Leader Traffic Women Gallery 3 1